Acne is the worst. I mean…can we just all agree that it is SO UNFAIR that acne has to exist? Not to be a drama queen or anything, but it’s just SO UNNECESSARY.

My battle with acne truthfully didn’t start until college. Up until that point, I could get away with just a tiny bit of concealer, mascara, and blush everyday. I had no idea what it was like to deal with constant breakouts, embarrassing red marks, and the ever so daunting acne scars that lingered to remind you of how bad it is to pick at said acne.
Not only do I deal with hormonal acne, but I am also among the lucky ones who battle with cystic acne on top of that.
The bumps are painful, deep, and long-lasting.
Thankfully I’ve gotten MUCH better with picking ( thank god for the overnight acne patches; LIFESAVERS ), but I am reminded of my bad skin behavior each and every day with dark spots and acne scars.
It’s been almost 10 years since I started this uphill battle with my skin, but I’ve finally gotten to the point where taking care of my acne and improving my skin’s overall appearance and health is my #1 priority.

Not only have I adopted a killer AM and PM regimen which I will dive into shortly, but I’ve also made the following habits:
- INCREASED DAILY WATER INTAKE – as much as humanly possible. I carry around my Starbucks reusable cup and fill it at least 10 times a day if not more. It’s practically my child. I take it everywhere, NO EXCUSES. Hydration is KEY.
- LIMITED MAKEUP – unless I’m shooting or going to an event, I do NOT wear makeup. There is no need! If I can spare my skin the extra weight and clogged pores, I do. And if I’m going out to dinner but it’s not fancy, I just use my CC cream from It Cosmetics, brows, mascara, and light bronzer. No need to get glammed when no ones going to even appreciate it, right?!
- MORNING SKINCARE ROUTINE – I’ve never been one to wash my face and do the whole routine in the morning; my thought was always – “all I did was sleep, how could my face be dirty!?” WRONG. Think of all the tossing and turning you do on your pillowcase, which probably isn’t washed daily, the sweating you do unknowingly, and the oil that’s created naturally to moisturize your skin? IT NEEDS TO BE RINSED, LADIES!
- SILK PILLOWCASE – This is a MUST. Not only for your hair health, but for your SKIN! You don’t wake up with pillow-creases, and it’s so much gentler on your face. I’ve even started packing one with me whenever I go on trips – just because you’re on vacation, doesn’t mean your skincare routine can afford to be!
- NO PICKING – I never thought I’d see the day where I was able to stop picking at my pimples, but I have finally kicked the habit. As soon as I have the urge, I simply place a Pimple Patch on it and I’m good to go! They even make some that are thin enough to put makeup over! I typically use them at night, but if you have a big event and an even bigger pimple, it’ll be your lifesaver.
SO – the impending question. “What are you doing to actually take care of your skin?”
Thankfully my skin angels at Kate Somerville created a routine for me to stick to every AM and PM. It took a few days to get the hang of it and make it feel like second nature, but after being a little over a month in, I’m HOOKED, and caring for my skin is starting to become a habit.
I can actually see a difference every morning with my skin’s moisture, brightness, and slowly disappearing acne.
SO FIRST AND FOREMOST, here is my EXACT skincare regimen, straight from the Kate team:

Morning & Night:
- ExfoliKate Cleanser or EradiKate Daily Foaming Cleanser
- Only use one – up to you which you would like to use; take note of how your skin reacts to EradiKate. If it’s too strong, switch to ExfoliKate. If not, stick to EradiKate to fight existing acne.
Once a week:
- ExfoliKate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment
- EradiKate Mask Foam – Activated Acne Treatment
- Don’t use these both on the same day
Spot treatment/for breakouts (use at night):
- EradiKate Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment
- EradiKate Acne Treatment (don’t use on one spot more than 3 times)

I’ve still got a ways to go on my journey, but I’m happy to report that my skin has started to responding to the work I’m putting into it and I could NOT be happier.
There’s nothing better than having clear skin; it just takes work…like everything else in life.
If you struggle with acne too, check out the EradiKate line! It’s specifically formulated to target and clear up acne-prone skin. I have super sensitive skin and it’s perfect for me. I haven’t experienced dry skin or any irritation; so far, only good things!

Have you experienced cystic acne? I would love to hear what’s worked for you in your journey! Especially in dealing with acne scars and dark spots! Comment below xx