With graduation rapidly approaching, I have found it quite easy to slip into daydreams/nightmares about what’s to come in the next couple of months. It’s not so much whats leading up to graduation that’s got me biting my nails, it’s the “post-grad” life that’s got me anxious. It used to seem so exciting when it was years down the road, but now it is threatening my sanity.
If you were like me, you pictured yourself graduating from Yale alongside Rory Gilmore, with a killer job and a brand new Beamer with a bow on top. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Unfortunately, somehow that fantasy isn’t quite playing itself out like I’d imagined. Instead, I find myself running from the infamous “so what are you gonna do after?” question. (Why is that everyone’s FAVORITE thing to ask? Stop!)
Well, my answer is still “I don’t really know yet…” And I’m stickin’ with it. For now at least. I’m crossing my fingers that my answer becomes a little more interesting in the next three months, but if not, I have faith that there will be something, somewhere. I just have to find it.
Until then, here is some encouraging food for thought from a very wise, successful man.