
I have always been a fan of arts & crafts. The right side of my brain often overpowers the left side, which could explain why my notes are often more crowded with squiggly lines and different sized daises than they are with facts about the lecture I’m supposed to be tuned into. And although my DIY board on Pinterest is just as big as the next, I have never actually attempted any of the ever so promising projects I aspire to display around my house. So this weekend I decided to change that sad, but true fact.

A couple weeks ago I was wasting some time wandering my favorite antique row in Ocean Beach on Newport Avenue. One of the biggest antique stores on the street (called Antique Center) had a booth that featured many different letters that were COVERED in glitter. Even though glitter is one of my favorite colors (it is so a color in my book) I convinced myself that I could make something similar for a fraction of the cost. Thus, my first DIY project.

“XOXO,” all glittered out.

I went to Michael’s and bought the following




-Fine Glitter

(All for $15, already cheaper than what a pack of letters cost at the antique store, success!)



So there ya have it. My first DIY. I love how homemade they look, especially with the cardboard look mixed with the glitter, it adds a little bit of DIY lovin! My home is now slightly more Pinterest worthy, which is a great accomplishment in my opinion!


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