Sailboats + Sweaters

Happy Monday, everyone! Last weekend I got the absolute pleasure of helping my sister as she moved down to her new home for the next four years. The sweetest thing about this was that she is attending the same university that I did, and her dorm room is on the exact same floor that my Freshman dorm room was; what a fun coincidence! Being on campus made me feel so nostalgic and reminiscent of the wonderful memories I made throughout my college experience. As sad as I am to give up my sister (and brother, who just moved to Utah for school (they’re twins!)) I am so excited to see how they grow and what they experience in this new chapter of their lives.DSCN0916

It was so fun to have my family in the town that I call my home on the weekends (boyfriend still lives there), and even more fun to watch my sister get acquainted to her new city. My parents’ hotel had the most beautiful view around, so naturally we took our sweet time during the fog-filled mornings, admiring the breathtaking views San Diego has to offer. Luckily, I had this cute sweater to throw over my causal look. It was effortless + comfortable; what could be better than that?

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Sweater, c/o | Sunglasses, Ray-Ban | Sandals, Old Navy

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5 thoughts on “Sailboats + Sweaters

  1. loving that sweater, it looks so cozy!

    and how great is that that your sister is attending your alma mater?! my little sister followed in my footsteps too and got put in the exact same room i was in my freshman year! it is so great having a reason to visit and see her and it is also great that we can share certain experiences that are unique to our school, as i am sure you and your sister will too!

    xo mk

  2. Such cute & comfty! Also…love your Ray Bans. I have the same pair and they literally add such a sense of “cool girl” to every outfit, don’t you think? 😉 Xo, Alison


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