Shine Bright.

I dread public speaking. Loathe it, actually. I have come to realize that it just may be one of my top 5 fears, if not #1. And as a college student, my fear has not stopped any teacher from assigning a project that requires a presentation. In one of my fashion classes we were assigned a project titled “Dress to Express.” The project was exactly what it sounds like: wear an outfit that expresses your true self. My true self loves clothes, but hates presentations. So, I decided to let my outfit do all the talking and be as bold as they could be.

I never realized how hard it is to explain why you wear the clothes that you wear any deeper than the simple “I just like them”  or “they’re cute” answers we usually opt for. Especially when you are forced to put it all down on paper and then present your convincing reasons to a classroom of fashion majors (eeek!). But this is what I came up with: A sweater with big stars all over it, BRIGHT green skinny jeans, some gray booties, and a chunky gold necklace. Not to mention my over the top “better bun” that I wear loud and proud no matter how ridiculously big it may get. (Watch the tutorial, you’ll be saying goodbye to the sock bun) 






Sweater, Mimi & Red. Green Skinnies, H&M. Gray Booties, Target. Gold chain necklace, Forever 21.

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