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Chucks on with Saint Laurent

So today’s blog post title is a little misleading…you will not find any Saint Laurent anywhere in this post…unfortunately. BUT, you will find my new black Chucks! That counts for something, right? We’ll leave Saint Laurent for another time. 😉

I am seriously obsessed with today’s outfit post. Partly because I found this ridiculously inexpensive t-shirt dress that I am unusually excited about (basics make the world go ’round), but mostly because of this to.die.for necklace!

If you love this as much as I do, then you should run down to Miss Match boutique either in Ocean Beach or Coronado before they’re all gone — I am SO crazy obsessed with it that I’ve been telling everyone! I seriously searched high and low for a necklace like this, and just when I stopped looking…this one found its way into my life.

With the bib necklace trend in full swing right now, I haven’t quite found the one that suits my personal style. Either it’s way too intense and I feel like I’m wearing armor, or it’s just not quite enough of a statement. I know that sounds a little contradictory, but that’s honestly how I’ve felt about every necklace leading up to my finding this one! I also may just have high standards after being shown the instagram account by Dylan Lex. That girl just set the bar way too high…swoon.

I hope you all have an amazing Superbowl weekend!! May the odds be ever in your team’s favor 😉

Dress, Forever 21 | Jacket, c/o Blush Boutique | Sunglasses, Amazon | Necklace, c/o Miss Match | Bag, Dailylook | Converse, Nordstrom

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