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Finalizing Uncertainty

ImageFinally, my final week of finals! (Can you tell I’m slightly over-zealous?) This week is going to fly by, and as the last few college moments are slowly slipping through my fingers, the bittersweet feeling of the real world is creeping up on me. For such an organized person (to give you a visual: if I complete something on my to-do list, it’s highlighted in pink. If I fail to get it done, it must be high-lighted in orange so I know to revisit this missed task. I know, intense right?), my life has never felt so unorganized before!

The one thing that remains completely in my control in this currently unorganized life is my closet. And even that needs some Spring cleaning and re-arranging. So, as I try to make sense of where my life is going, I will cling to my clothes in hopes of that slight glimmer of reassurance that everything will be okay, just like I keep telling myself. 

Career tip of the day: “Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.” One of my favorite motivators!



Chambray top, Nordstrom (on sale now!). Sweater, Old Navy (old). Pants, The Closet. Sunglasses, Nordstrom. Necklace, Forever 21 (old). Watch, Nordstrom. Bracelet, Nordstrom. Belt, Forever 21 (old). Bag, C. Wonder. Shoes, Kohl’s (old).

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