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PJ Salvage Loungewear

I don’t know about you guys…but I am always in search of the perfect lounging pajamas that every sitcom star seems to wear on TV. (Which would probably be a lot easier if I had an entire wardrobe department working on it for me).

In reality, if you opened my drawers, you would find oversized sweatshirts that I continue to steal from my boyfriend and t-shirts from high school spirit days – no cute girly frill to be found. As much as I hate to admit that, I like to think that I am not the only one that somehow ends up in pretty much anything BUT cute pajamas every night…when I’m dreaming, I want to be comfortable, am I right?!

I really never thought I would find the perfect pjs until PJ Salvage opened my eyes to what I had been missing. Honestly you guys…and I am being SO serious right now – I put these on every night after I get home from work. They are absolute PERfection. And I mean, how cute are they?! I even wore the thermal top on my redeye flight to NYC last week; no one even realized I was in my pajamas because it’s that cute! (I paired it with this scarf and I was good to go).

If you are like me, and you’re desperately seeking those effortlessly cute pjs/loungewear, I highly suggest you go stalk PJ Salvage, or else you may miss out on this fabulosity! They’re constantly coming up with new lines that are reminiscent of the season (duh, that’s how fashion is…I know..but I’m talking cute holiday prints, amazing summer time themes and all that jazz…trust me). They also have amazing robes! Moral of this long story, go check out their product and be amazed and forever changed.
PJ Salvage PJ Salvage PJ Salvage PJ Salvage PJ Salvage PJ Salvage PJ Salvage PJ Salvage


Top, c/o PJ Salvage | Bottoms, c/o PJ Salvage 

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3 thoughts on “PJ Salvage Loungewear

  1. amen sista friend, i totally rock the oversized tees and boxers but desperately want something cuter! i had the cutest swiss dot button down nighty but my huz hated it because he thought it was “bumpy” haha and all of a sudden it disappeared and he won’t insists he didn’t do it! 😉

    i will have to check out pj salvage for sure!

    xo mk


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