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Put a Bow on It

When I was in NYC recently with my bff, we made every second count when it came to exploring the city. I don’t think I’ve ever walked so much in my life, but it definitely paid off in more ways than one! One morning we decided to explore the Chelsea Market. We made an impromptu decision to stop in the Anthro just outside the market’s entrance because c’mon, who passes up a chance to go into an Anthro?

What started out as a “window shopping” trip, turned into the sale find of a lifetime (dramatic, yet true). I’d had my eye on this amazing bowtie skirt for quite some time; I was determined to find it due to the radical price decrease, but also discouraged since it was proving to be an impossible pursuit. That is until I decided to walk downstairs to peruse the sale selection in this particular Anthropologie location. As fate would have it, there were literally two of these skirts left: one being my size. I don’t think I’ve ever lunged for something quicker than I did this skirt; I was determined to make it work regardless of the fit. Luckily for me, it was a perfect match. Now, I get to stare at it in my closet; reminiscent of my New York City dreams, and victorious in my pursuit. Thank you, Chelsea Market Anthro. I love you. XO









Top, Dreamgirls, similar here | Skirt, sold out, similar looks here, here, here, and here | Sunglasses, Vince Camuto | Watch, Michael Kors | Black Bag, Forever 21 (old), similar here and here | Shoes, Forever 21, sold out, similar here, here, and here

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