Welcome to the all new Blonde Collective!
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Let’s get to know each other, shall we?

I’ve been blogging since December 2012, but there’s so many new faces around here that I thought we should get acquainted with one another!

facts about me

There’s no rhyme or reason to the 35 random facts about me below, but if I left anything out, ask me in the comments!

  1. Full Name: Ashley Marie Cassidy (Guyatt is my maiden name; produced Guy it)
  2. Birthday: March 8, 1991
  3. Zodiac: Pisces, Rising: Cancer, Moon: Sagittarius
  4. Oldest of 3 children
  5. My siblings are 5 years younger than me – they’re boy/girl twins (fun fact: Brennan has 3 sets of twins in his bloodline lol wouldn’t be surprised if twins are in our future)
  6. Born and raised in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
  7. My top love languages are Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch and Quality Time
  8. My top Strengths are: Futuristic | Empathy | Positivity | Connectedness | Communication
  9. Meyers Briggs: ENFJ
  10. Ennegram 2
  11. Sports/activities growing up: Gymnastics, Soccer, Piano, Tennis
  12. I trained with Olympic Gymnast coach Bella Karoli in Houston, Texas at his camp, but after switching to an Olympic gym in California soon got burnt out when I was in the gym multiple times a week for hours at a time and straight up quit. To this day I wish I had stuck with gymnastics. I also blame my lack of boobs on gymnastics bc it feels like a valid reason – even though it’s probably not lol
  13. Was always in Honors/AP classes and graduated high school with a 4.0 – Brennan loves to refer to me as a nerd, but I embrace it
  14. In high school I was heavily involved in student government, and was the President of Renaissance (similar to ASB) my senior year
  15. I tried out for the cheer team twice (once in high school and once in college) and didn’t make it either time because I got so nervous and forgot the dance – I always said I would take that secret to my grave but here we are
  16. I was on Prom Court Senior year and it still feels like a pinch-me moment
  17. I graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a B.A. in Fashion & Interiors, focus on Fashion Merchandising, in 2013
  18. I am a Christian, and though I don’t talk about it a lot on social media, it’s a huge part of my life
  19. Being laid off was the best thing to ever happen to me and my career – read about it here
  20. When instagram first came out I thought it was a really dumb idea and told my brother it wasn’t safe for him to be sharing so much about his life on the internet to random strangers – LOLLLLL35 random facts about me
  21. For the first part of my 20s I was a shopping addict – I spent every dollar that came into my bank account and didn’t know how to save for a rainy day at all; after losing my job with no savings whatsoever, my spending habits did a 180 and now I can hardly remember a time where I didn’t have 6+ months of bills saved. Read more about that here.
  22. I’m an extroverted introvert. I love socializing and meeting new people, but I have no problem working from home 24/7 with little communication; I value my alone time because I am able to focus on my work (which I love) and maintain a calm atmosphere
  23. If I don’t stick to my morning routine, my whole day is thrown off
  24. I secretly wish I had an amazing singing voice and could sing in public (I rock out in my car, but who doesn’t)
  25. I also secretly wish I did hip hop dance because I love it
  26. I have severe stage fright – I got a C in my college communications class because of how terrified I was during my speeches in class
  27. I am a huge daydreamer; I think more about my future than I do anything else
  28. I love kids and have always said I want 4 of my own, but we’ll see how that unfolds. I am 29 and still have a stronger desire to travel with Brennan than I do to start a family just yet.
  29. Small talk is the worst thing ever – I would much rather talk to a complete stranger about the most pivotal experience they’ve ever had, their worst or best relationship, how they got into their career path…anything but small talk.
  30. I am a hopeless romantic
  31. It may not seem like this but I love the outdoors – I grew up hiking and riding dirt bikes, and am not afraid to get a lil dirty.  I’m not really an adrenaline junkie but I’m not afraid to try new things that scare me.
  32. The beach is my ultimate heaven. Nothing makes me happier than the smell of salt water, swimming in the waves, or laying in the sand. The only tattoo I have right now is a wave; I feel a stronger connection to the ocean than any other setting, and have found many different quotes / bible verses that represent the relevance of the ocean in my life.
  33. I am living my dream life, and I am thankful for that everyday.
  34. My life changed for the better when I leaned into the unknown. Moving to Los Angeles and pursuing a career I loved even though I couldn’t even afford to live in the city (moved back in with my parents to make it happen) was the best thing I ever did. It took a lot of work, and some pain along the way, but I met my husband, my best friends, and my dream life once I trusted the process.
  35. I am a strong believer that a difficult past is what motivates us to be better in our future; in family dynamics, in past relationships, in friendships. Everything that happens is a part of your story, and is a part of who you become. It doesn’t define you, but it definitely motivates you to learn more about who you are and who you want to be – and in turn, who you turn out to be. We are always growing and changing; channeling what we’ve made it through in times of darkness to motivate us to do the work it takes to better ourselves is what counts in the end. All of the difficult things I’ve gone through have made me work hard to create a better future, and though it is still hard to think of those things, I’m thankful for who I have become.

Thanks for reading 🙂 Truly thankful for you and your support, always <3

about me

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