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After a few years of listening to podcasts and taking notes on what successful people do every morning to start their day off on the right foot, I’ve created a routine of daily habits for myself that really create a safe & zen space to get my day started. It wasn’t until we moved out of our apartment this year that I realized how important those habits really are to me.

When I don’t prioritize my slow, quiet mornings, the whole day is thrown off. My mental strength is wavering, my motivation is down, and my inner voice is more negative.

5 habits

This year has been a wild ride, and definitely made us all realize how vital it is to put our mental health first. Whatever that looks like to you.

Implementing routines into your morning that you have complete control over creates a sense of zen that will empower you to make it through the obstacles you face each day.

Here are five daily habits I’m keeping in 2021:


My life feels so much more in order when I have a routine (which is what prompted this blog post). It doesn’t have to be extensive, but by simply incorporating a handful of things you do every morning you train your brain into productivity from the moment you wake up. Creating daily habits to start your morning will influence your mind into creating producctive habits throughout the day that set you up for success. My routine looks like this:

  • Quick & easy skincare routine – SPF is a vital step in this, make this a non negotiable step in your routine
  • Full glass of lemon water – wake your body up slowly before you jump into coffee or tea.
  • Essential oils to create a calm vibe
  • Walk the dog / workout routine
  • Light candles
  • Coffee
  • Start the work day with my inbox & to-do list creation
  • Matcha around 2 or 3pm to keep my motivation up for the remainder of the day


This may not feel feasible yet, but I promise you that it is the best thing you can do for yourself. Once I took control of my finances and saved money relentlessly to get ahead on my debt, I finally felt the relief that comes from being in charge of your finances vs being controlled by them. It will take baby steps at first, but I promise you the sacrifice of not getting that cup of coffee everyday, or buying that new shirt or pair of shoes is SO worth it once you finally achieve your financial goals. I wrote a post about How I Quit My Spending Habits here, but I’m always here to chat deeper on any topic I write about – I am passionate about money-talk, so don’t hold back!


Find what works for you and stick to it. It took me years to find a routine that actually motivated me to get it done everyday; I find myself actually craving it now and I’m sad when I don’t get a workout in. Madeline Moves is my one and only workout these days; the structure of the app motivates me to get it done and I’ve never felt better. I also took a hold of my eating habits with Macro Counting thanks to my best friend and macro mentor Allyson. Read more on this here.

self love habits


Whether it be hand written or digital, a to-do list is essential for my productivity. Give yourself a clear vision of what needs to get done, and sort it by priority. Bonus points if you tackle your least favorite item on the list first; that way it’s all down hill from there and chances are you’ll be more motivated to get it done. Also very helpful to incorporate a “brain dump” every night to ease your mind of endless thoughts that keep you from sleeping soundly. You can then generate your to-do list for the next day with this quick brainstorm.


I set my phone to notify me when there’s “45 minutes until bedtime” (helps with achieving my targeted 8 hours of sleep). It goes into “Do Not Disturb” mode where the screen is dark, notifications are muted, and the lock screen shows minimal information. I switched my alarm clock sound to “Early Riser,” which slowly eases you out of sleep with sound that starts soft and gradually increase in volume and momentum. I wake up less stressed, and feel refreshed after getting the amount of sleep my body needs to function.

daily habits

There are so many different ways to make sure you set yourself up for success every day, but these are the key ways I’ve been doing it for the past year. Not every day is productive, but my best days always start with a strict routine. 2020 was anything but normal, so it’s important to give yourself grace as we enter a new year; I definitely recommend finding a routine that works for you so that even on those days where you feel like you got nothing done, you can look back and say that you at least stuck to the routine that helps you feel your best. That counts for something <3

What are some daily habits that make your day better?

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