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All Things MACROS with Macro Coach Allyson Clark

Hi friends! My name is Allyson and I have been Ashley’s best friend since 7th grade (16 years and counting). Now, I get to call myself her macro coach and wellness encourager. After sharing with you that she is jumping into this new world of macros several of you had questions so she is letting me take over The Blonde Collective today to share a little more about my favorite topic! Before we jump into it, I wanted to share a little about me! 

macro coaching

My personal journey towards a healthier lifestyle started about two years ago when I woke up and knew that I needed to make a physical and mental change to starting focusing on and prioritizing myself (you can read more about my story on my Instagram). 

While I am still very much a work in progress, I have learned a few things over the past two years that have led me to this point. 

  • Change starts with you! You can have access to the tools and the guidance for progress, but change takes hard work and commitment. No one can do that for you or take that away from you! 
  • Set realistic goals! There are no instant fixes or quick diets that are going to make you lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks. At least not one that I would recommend! 
  • Find something that works for you! What one person does may not be sustainable for you or fit your lifestyle. 
  • Be patient! Changes do not happen overnight and everybody is different and unique. Consistency adds up to long term success. 
  • Choose positivity and happiness! There are times when the process is going to be confusing and frustrating. Embrace the journey and celebrate the little wins (reminder they won’t all be physical). 

Learning these things and seeing progress was not easy nor did it happen overnight. In my first couple of months on this journey, I bopped from one workout routine or diet to the next every other week because I thought I wasn’t making progress towards my goals. Two years later, I now have a workout routine I crave and a sustainable and healthy outlook on food. I can not only see changes, but I feel them. I am stronger mentally and physically. I love who I am and I can appreciate my abilities. My hope is by sharing what I have learned and my approach to a healthier lifestyle, I can help foster a community connected by empowering and supporting each other.

So now let’s cut to the chase – what worked for me (we are only talking food here, it also takes some sweat!)? Macros. 

What the heck are macros?

In food there are two main nutritional compounds – micronutrients and macronutrients. Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals found in food, whereas macronutrients are the building blocks for calories which are more commonly known as protein, fat and carbohydrates. All of which are needed for your body to function properly!

Protein is needed to build muscle, transport nutrients throughout the body, aid in immune support and more. Fat supports hormone (hello ladies!) functioning, helps in absorbing vitamins, and promotes healthier skin, and hair. And lastly, on top of being the tastiest, carbs are the most essential. They are the primary source of energy (aka fuel) in the body that keep your brain and muscles working at their optimal levels.

Why count macros?

Macros teach us that not all calories can be treated the same. Understanding macronutrients gives you insight into food, how to build a balanced plate, and ultimately how to properly fuel your body. That awareness alone is winning in my book! 

But if that doesn’t convince you, then these things should: 

  1. Nothing is off limits. I mean it, you can still enjoy all your favorite things – wine, bread, cheese, cookies, pizza, fries! 
  2. Macro counts are personalized to you and your goals. That means that you have complete control over your progress! 
  3. It is sustainable! The goal isn’t to count for years on end. Rather macros give you a framework to learn what your body needs to reach your goals. 

So, how do you find out your macros?

If you Google “macros” or “macro calculator” you will get an abundance of free options all of which will give you different numbers (talk about frustrating and confusing). While these may give you numbers to work off of, I believe that macros should be tailored to you – taking into account your short term and long term goals, your health, and personal information. I find it to be best to work with a coach! Someone you can create your macros with, who will help you get started, who can be there to discuss tips and tricks, and cheer you on and support you as you CRUSH your goals. 

I’d love to be your gal! If you have more questions or are ready to start counting, feel free to shoot me an email. Let’s do this, babe! 



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