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Nordstrom Sale Picks

It’s been a while since I did a shopping post, and though it’s a very sensitive time to be promoting the spending of funds, I couldn’t resist sharing some incredible sale finds from the Nordstrom sale.

I used to work at Nordstrom and it’s not everyday that they offer a sale. In fact, unless it’s the Half-Yearly or Anniversary sale, you can pretty much count on paying full price for most things.

Brennan was online shopping yesterday morning and the things he was finding were shocking! He found some Chelsea boots for $30!!! So insane.

This prompted me to browse the sale myself; I realized it was too good not to share with you, too.

Specifically the Topshop selection – it’s INSANE.

I linked a pair of sweat shorts on Instagram stories yesterday, and then I just went down into a black hole of sale finds.

From denim, to accessories – the prices are unreal.

Going to link a few of my favorites that I feel like you guys would like, but do yourself a favor and skim the sale section for a bit. Some items are even under $10!!!

Happy browsing!

nordstrom sale topshop





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