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5 Tips on Getting Inspired

Have you ever just felt stuck? Nothing is really “wrong” in your life…but you just kind of think to yourself “there has to be more.” More ways to get involved, more ways to feel connected, more ways to reach out, more ways to get motivated, more ways to feel inspired, more ways to feel FULL.

Lately, I’ve been feeling like this about my blog. I have been trying to think of ways to reach more readers, ways to sound more transparent, more ways to get connected with like-minded individuals, more ways to grow and develop my blog so that it truly represents ME and who I want to be (because I truly feel like I am changing and growing and evolving into that version of myself every single day). I love the quote “dress for the job you want, not the job you have;” it can be related to so many aspects of life! Make the goals for the life you want to live, not the life you are currently living. Because if you are not happy with where you are at today, wake up and change where you are tomorrow.

Here are some things that get my mind back to that place of feeling confident, motivated, positive, inspired, and just downright optimistic.


5 Tips on Getting Inspired

1. Stop everything you are doing, no matter how busy you are, and write down every single goal that comes to your mind. Don’t think, just write. Whether it be goals about saving more money (probably my #1), goals about buying a new computer, goals about getting outside and running more…WHATEVER. Just write it down. Because when you get it on paper, it’s ‘set in stone’ in a way. You will be amazed at the things you get down on that piece of paper. The best part is that ‘thing’ that may have been in the back of your mind bugging you all day but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it, might just end up on the paper in black ink, clear as day, and you will feel so much better.

2. Find a quote that hits you hard. And I mean one that you can’t stop thinking about, no matter what you do. My go-to is “Forget the risk and take the fall, if it’s meant to be then it’s worth it ALL.” Me and my best friend found this one summer when we just wanted to have that typical “best summer ever.” We used it to motivate ourselves into making new friends every time we went to the beach that summer, and guess what? I am still extremely close to one of them, and will cherish that friendship for the rest of my days. And that quote is something that I have said to myself over and over whenever I am feeling nervous, apprehensive, or doubtful; all thanks to some website I found with inspirational quotes on it back before Pinterest was there to keep us inspired. The smallest, silliest intentions can turn into meaningful moments that you will be so happy you experienced. If you want some ideas, visit my Quote board on Pinterest. I covet the collection of quotes I have going.

3. READ. I am ‘that girl’ you guys. I buy coffee table books, and novels because they are beautiful. I LOVE a good looking book. YES, I judge books by their covers. But I also LOVE to read, so much! However, I have just made this habit of getting these incredible books, starting them, being so excited about them, and then just letting them collect dust because I am too busy watching mindless TV shows or snapchatting or instagramming. LAME EXCUSE. It’s time to put down the things stripping your mind of inspiration. Open the books. Finish them. Be inspired by them. I’m sorry, but you will never develop your vocabulary via Instagram. I even follow the instagram that teaches you a new French word each day because I love the language and don’t remember anything from my college courses (sad) but do I know French because of that account I scroll past on my feed? Um, no. Reading books is the best way to develop your vocabulary after you finish school (in my opinion). And it is FREE to sound like a well read person…aside from having to buy the books. But to argue that point, read articles online! There are so many fascinating articles out there at our fingertips, waiting to be discovered. Do you ever wonder about something? Well stop wondering, and google it. That’s why ‘google’ is now a verb.

4. Early to bed, early to rise. This is something I struggle with every single day. No matter my intentions, I always look at the clock (LOL aka my phone) and think “how the heck is it 11:30 I need to get up so early tomorrow!” Then the next morning, I miss my workout and regret it all day. Give yourself a bed time. 9:30, 10:15, whatever! Work your way to an earlier time each week. I promise you, it will be life-changing. Sleep truly is necessary for your brain to function properly, and truth be told, everyone in the world probably wants an extra hour or so of sleep.

5. Find your creative outlet. Mine was always journaling. Before I started my blog, I hoarded journals because my nana told me that one day I would cherish being able to look back on my memories and actually read about how I was feeling at that very moment. I tried to write in it every other night, and collected anything and everything to put into my journal. Wrappers, tickets, stickers, wrist bands…everything. I even gave them titles, as if they were a book series. There are probably 6 of them at my parents’ house that I will forever cherish, because I poured every single thought, every single secret, every single fear, and every single dream I ever had into those pages. As soon as I started my blog, I thought it was a replacement for this journaling habit…but truth be told, it’s not even close! I love you guys, but I am not going to put every thought and secret that pops into my head on this blog…that would be straight up blackmailing myself. One of the goals I wrote down on my paper today was to start journaling again, because we all need that place we can escape to and let it all out without any judgement or fear of hurting someone. Even if that’s on paper, and won’t yield a direct response…it still frees up your mind from the worry and clutter and allows room for beautiful things to blossom in their place. Don’t hold things in and let them eat away at you. Let them go through a creative way (write, paint, draw, sing loud in your car with the windows down on the freeway, get lost exploring in a new neighborhood, practice photography, flex your imagination in any way that you can) so that you feel inspired and rejuvenated when you are done.

I hope that these 5 paragraphs ignited something deep within you. I also hope that you will comment below, or send me an email, on how you’re getting inspired and motivated these days. I really need it right now you guys!

On that note: email me if you feel like you need to talk to someone about anything at all! Also, I would love to hear if there’s anything missing from my blog. Is there something that you wish I did as a blogger? A series of any sort? Let me know! I am ready to be inspired by you guys, and to freshen up this blog so it becomes more of a destination for you! So hit me with your best shot! ashleymguyatt@gmail.com

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6 thoughts on “5 Tips on Getting Inspired

  1. Loveddd this post, and the timing could not be more applicable for me this week. #4 is something I struggle with constantly. It’s amazing how much better you feel when you get a good night of sleep, yet somehow I fail to make that a priority night after night, so thank you for the reminder 😉

    P.S. – Great meeting you again last night! Looking forward to keeping up with your blog!



    1. Thanks so much love!! I know, the struggle is REAL when it comes to getting the right amount of sleep.

      You’re seriously the sweetest, thank you for your kind words! I am so excited that we met, looking forward to seeing you around more often; it’s so nice to meet genuine, encouraging women in this blog world!


    1. I love to hear that!! Also, I love pretty notebooks so I’m totally jealous 😉 Thanks for your kind words love! xo


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