Okay, I caved in. I did a juice cleanse. I know…I’m sooooo LA, right? Well let me tell you, juice cleanses are no walk in the park. They are hard work people. They also make you realize how much you LOVE TO SNACK ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Or at least that was one of my biggest realizations throughout the 3 day cleanse.
Day one I was feelin’ great about it. I was like “I am so healthy, with my juice cleanse and my strong will to get through the next 3 days…I got this, no big deal.” BOYYY WAS I WRONG!!!!!
Let me preface this blog post with this: I am SO glad I tried this cleanse, the flavors were phenomenal (minus the fact that I realized I literally hate beets) and I really did feel great at the end of the 3 days. SO, take all of this ranting and raving lightly because I really do recommend this cleanse to everyone. It’s the bomb.com.
ANYWAYS. Like I said. Day 1 was great. I was pumped up, feeling cool, feeling great. The first issue I faced was that while I was doing my makeup, watching Parenthood, I was like…wait…I want my avocado toast and eggs and orange juice and turkey bacon…..And all I had was my juice! Granted, it was super yummy juice because I got the Whenever Cleanse that offers a coffee option to start your morning off (for all my fellow caffeine addicts)…BUT, it was the first time I realized that I just missed the ACT of eating. Who knew I even had this obsession??? I thought I was obsessed with food in general, but this was the first moment I realized that I felt slightly empty when I didn’t have something to munch on. That’s when I knew the next 3 days would be a true test of will power for me.
Now, I didn’t do this cleanse to lose weight or anything. I’m not a dieter by any means, and when I am feeling bad about my body I just up my workouts, not decrease my food (because let’s be real, that’s impossible for me). I really just did this to say that I did a cleanse, and to see if it made me feel any better. That being said, I did not deprive myself of food. I basically LIVED off of almonds and carrots (no dressing, just plain carrots, which was also a milestone for this ranch/hummus/any-dip-in-general loving girl).
This was how each day looked for me:
Juice 1: Cashew Coffee (SO GOOD). Ranging between 7AM-9AM: I drank this before my barre class on the last day of my cleanse, and it gave me enough energy to get through the class without feeling lightheaded, which was my main concern being that it was day 3 of no eating for me.
Juice 2: Pineapple Mint. 11 AM: This was my FAVORITE JUICE out of the whole cleanse. It is something that I would buy in bulk and serve to my guests. It was the best flavor, and so light and refreshing. I usually drank this while snacking on almonds as my morning snack. I looked forward to this time of day during the whole cleanse.
Juice 3: Sweet Greens. 1 PM: This was a REALLY good green juice. So sweet, just like it says, but not over the top. Refreshing and enjoyable for my “lunch” juice. Paired this juice with my carrots.
Juice 4: Spicy Lemonade. 3 PM: Not gonna lie, this one was hard for me to get down. The spice mixed with the tartness of the lemonade was a lot to handle. To counter the intensity, I snacked on almonds simply because I couldn’t drink the juice on its own. It would be a great drink for any lunch time meal though!
Juice 5: Root Veggies. Ranging between 5-7 PM: Again, not gonna lie about this. I HATED THIS ONE. It was the strangest taste to me…maybe my taste buds just haven’t matured enough yet for beet based drinks. It was also hard because it was super super sweet, so the strange flavor mixed with sweetness just made me miserable throughout the entire drinking of this juice in particular. If I couldn’t get through the end, I would snack on more almonds just to get it down. I’m telling you guys, these almonds kept me alive!
Juice 6: Detox Veggies. Ranging between 7-9 PM: This green juice was not as sweet as the earlier flavor, and it was fairly easy to get down. I never went through any “detox” symptoms, so it was overall a good juice to end the day with. Except for night 2…I went to a comedy show with my boyfriend and the show was at a bar that offered the best beers and 7 DIFFERENT OPTIONS OF SLIDERS. SLIDERS ARE MY WEAKNESS!!!! AND TO HAVE 7 OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM?!?! ANNNND MAC N CHEESE AND TRUFFLE FRIES!???! It was so brutal that I couldn’t even face him while he was enjoying his amazing meal. Complete with gourmet tater tots on the side, might I add. I was so sad. THAT was the hardest moment throughout the whole cleanse. I. was. dying. But I stayed strong, don’t you worry.
Now, did I feel better after sticking to this strict 3-day schedule? After the cleanse was over, YES…I felt better overall. In all honesty, I felt like I did last summer when I gave up drinking any & ALL alcoholic beverages for the entire month of August. So to feel the same in 3 days as I felt in a month was pretty impressive in my opinion. Did I lose weight? I don’t know…I don’t own a scale. If I did, did I gain it all back instantly? Why yes, yes I did. Because my boyfriend took me to get a hamburger promptly after my last juice was consumed. And I ate the whole damn thing in under 10 min. BUT, I wasn’t doing it for weight loss so it was no big deal. I was just happy that I got through the cleanse, and that at the end of the day I can say I thoroughly say I enjoyed most of the flavors.
Juice from the Raw was a company I hadn’t heard of until I did this cleanse, but they were phenomenal and I would highly recommend trying a cleanse from their wide variety. They ship them in a huge temperature controlled box, and the juices come frozen so you don’t need to worry about them going bad while they sit there waiting for you to pick them up after work on the day of delivery (obviously don’t wait longer than a day). Also, make sure you follow the defrosting instructions! I put all of mine directly into the fridge after I opened the box and then went somewhere right after, leaving them in the fridge to “defrost.” HA well that didn’t happen, so my first two days were filled with some slightly frozen juices. It wasn’t until the 3rd day that I had properly defrosted my juices the night before. SO, don’t make my same mistake!
If you have any questions or concerns, tweet…email…snapchat…facebook? me. Whatever you want! I’d love to chat about my experience and hear what you have to say/ask!
If you have no questions or concerns or desire to talk…then have a GREAT day, and come back tomorrow for a fun #festival inspired post
seeeeee you laterrrrrrrr!
Juice Cleanse, c/o Juice From The Raw