LET’S CHAT: 5 Facts About Me

Hi everyone! Before we talk about this swim cover up, I want to get real with you real quick (what else is new?).

As you may have noticed, my content is starting to be a tad “far and few between” lately! I’ve really been honing in on what I want to be publishing on MY blog, and as always, I want it to be quality over quantity. 

Which means, you may not hear from me as much for right now!

I recently moved (more details on that to come in due time), and it’s not only changed my perspective on a lot of things…but it’s also made it a little harder to blog since I’m still settling in.

If you have any requests on things that you’re actually interested in / want to hear from my point of view, let me know! I know I ask this on nearly every post, but when you guys send me emails with suggestions, it really kick starts my mind into knowing why you follow my blog!

Win win for the both of us 😉

Since I’ve been blogging for nearly 4 years (wowwwww where did the time go) I thought it would be good to just CHAT with you, especially if you’re new around here!

I haven’t even really done a “get to know me” post, so I thought it was about damn time! Better late than never, right?

So, here we go!

  1. I’m the oldest of three, & my brother & sister are twins! They didn’t show up until a week before my 5th birthday, so it was definitely a huge adjustment. I remember being SO excited for their arrival, but really hated the fact that they weren’t born ready to play with me – I really struggled with the fact that they were tiny and took up a ton of time & attention from my parents (lol only child adjustments) and it was even more of a whirlwind that I gained TWO siblings at one time. Because of our significant age difference, by the time we were at the same school, I became the designated baby sitter! This really caused me to grow up quickly, and has since made it easy for me to take responsibility and oversee a lot of projects. Being an older sister has definitely helped me throughout many difference seasons of my life, and I’m thankful for them every single day.
  2. I grew up in Rancho Cucamonga, and was a total “nerd.” I took all of the honors and AP classes from the moment I was able to, graduated with a 4.0, and was the President of Renaissance my senior year (similar to ASB, Student Council, etc). I definitely loved school more than maybe the typical high school student would admit to. Nerd is in quotes because I didn’t exactly call myself that, but Brennan insists that I definitely was a nerd; typical response from the All-Star Varsity Jock 😉 I always tell him I would have been the girl who was making extra posters for all of his games, HA!
  3. I’m a Christian, and love my church! I point this out because religion isn’t always addressed a ton in my social media, but it is a huge part of who I am. I went to public schools my whole life, but for college decided to switch it up and attend Point Loma Nazarene University (where my sister is currently going to school as well!), which is a small Christian school in San Diego. It was refreshing to be surrounded by an atmosphere where I felt completely supported and encouraged to practice what I love so very much. In LA, it can be hard to find the same type of community, but I’ve made some incredible friends who share very similar spiritual beliefs as myself, even if we do have differences in foundational beliefs! Not only that, but I’ve found a home at City Church and it is SOOOO incredible. If you find yourself in Beverly Hills on a Wednesday night, you must try it out! Judah Smith is the pastor and he is so freakin amazing.
  4. I really struggle with “what others think.” This is somewhat of a recent self-discovery. I’ve always said “who cares what they say” or “I don’t care what anyone thinks,” because DUH I post my life on social media – BUT, this past month has brought about a lot of feelings that I buried deep inside of me for multiple reasons, and I quickly realized a lot of it stems from worrying about the opinions of others. I am TOTALLY working on the whole “DGAF” mindset, but it helps a lot to talk about it and pick apart WHY I feel this way. I think it’s the first step to truly letting go of other’s opinions. If you have any book recs for me on this topic, I’d love to hear!
  5. My IG tagline truly defines me. “Give me a beach and an iced coffee” are really the two things that make me feel the most at peace. I mean, truly the beach is #1, but if I could have an iced coffee IV drip, I’d highly consider it. I feel like when I am by the ocean, all of my problems disappear. When I can swim in the waves, float in the salt water, and just stare back at the shore, any anxiety that I’m feeling is briefly non-existent. I feel like sitting at the beach is the reset that I need whenever I start to feel like life is just too much, which lately, has been happening way more frequently. It really helps that my new view is of the marina (in Marina Del Rey) and that I’m just a short bike ride away from a nearly vacant beach front…they’re both a daily reminder that I’ve worked SO hard to get to where I am today, and when I feel discouraged, I just need to keep moving forward.
  6. Bonus – my favorite movie of all time is Finding Nemo (the last line in fact #5 just reminded me of Just Keep Swimming LOL which is very indicative of just how obsessed I am with the movie).

And there ya have it! Some random facts about myself, where I came from, and my family!

If you like posts like these, let me know and I’ll share some more personal topics on here. (Which is a little scary to think about, but if that’s what you want, then I’d love to share!)

Sorry we didn’t actually talk about the swim cover up, BUT, this dress is actually just that! A swim cover up! It was just too pretty to leave only for the pool, so I wore it to my friend’s backyard BBQ 🙂

cooper and ella swim cover up dream hotel swim cover upfree people bag

Dress, c/o Cooper and Ella | Bag, Free People

Photography by Clinetography
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