Theodore Roosevelt said it best.
When you compare, joy is taken from you.
Roosevelt’s quote couldn’t be more relevant or important in this era of social media.
We have the ability to compare EVERYTHING at the click of a button.
Sometimes it’s so hard, because we’re human…and it’s what we do.
We compare ourselves to others.
But why do we keep doing it if we know it does no good?
Through this “Perfect Never” project with Reebok, I’ve been forced to dive deeper into the issues surrounding my overall mindset.
Every time I’ve gone to write something on the topic (post #1 here, post #2 here) I’ve felt so compelled to share what’s on my heart.
Because let’s be real…if I just got on here and was like omg look at this bra isn’t is fab??, you’d be like…ok?????
So let’s get to it.
You may have noticed I haven’t been posting on Instagram lately. If you haven’t noticed…that’s what’s been goin’ down.
Sure, it’s 95% due to the fact that every freaking weekend in LA has been RAINY this month and I’ve been forced to reschedule all of my shoots…but that leftover 5% is because I’ve felt like what I have to post isn’t good enough, or won’t get the likes, or will make me lose followers.
Those are LITERALLY the thoughts that have been keeping me from posting.
But I also can’t help but thing…WHO CARES!???!??!?!??!?!
WHYYYYY am I letting OTHERS control what I’M POSTING on MY INSTAGRAM?
I’ve come to the harsh realization I’m constantly comparing my success to other’s success.
Specifically, other bloggers. Obviously.
I can’t help it.
Why do we think we need to compare our story to someone else’s story?
Who’s to say it even matters?
Why do we put SO much pressure on ourselves to be perfect, have more, do everything?
Who’s to say that what we’re doing currently isn’t exactly what we’re supposed to be doing?
TODAY is an important part of your story. Where you’re at NOW, is exactly where you should be.
In terms of social media (because that is what I’ve made my reality…but this could be applied differently to your life if this is not the case for you), it doesn’t matter how many followers you have. Or how many likes you get. Or how your feed looks.
Sure…that may determine what brands you work with. Or who decides to follow you. I get that.
But what truly matters is that you feel a passionate fire deep within your soul when you write a long blog post that has a lot of meaning to you. Or that you get joy out of beautiful photography from your shoots. Or that you constantly feel eager at the thought of putting together a new outfit, a new recipe, a new craft. (Again, speaking directly towards my life but replace social media topics with your own personal passions*).
Bottom line, don’t compare someone else’s glimpse into what they want you to believe is their “everyday life.” Social media doesn’t even cover the half of it, so why are we comparing our full, beautiful lives to what we imagine we’re seeing on an Instagram profile?
YOU are perfect the way you are. YOU are living the life you were meant to. And YOU will do great things. Regardless of the other billions of people in this world. YOU have a purpose, and that will not change based on someone else’s success.
Reebok Bra, Jacket, Pants, Shoes, c/o Reebok
Photography by Leanna Annunziato
You are beautiful! You are making a difference! Nice work
love you mama